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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

boston in the summer

I wrote this poem around midnight last night as I was trying desperately to sleep and despairing that it would ever be cool enough to drop off. . .I'm actually not in Boston but it works with the rhyme better.

I think I know what hell is like
'cuz I've been there & I've been back
to Boston in the summer

Humidity is never low
though thunderstorms may come & go
in Boston in the summer

The East Coast is sure welcoming
as clouds of mosquitoes blow right in
to Boston in the summer

At night the lightning strikes around
as rain pours and pelts the ground
in Boston in the summer

A California girl I'll always be
and swear I'll never ever leave
for Boston in the summer

(c) maria Lombart, 7.28.09

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