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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vacations Are More Stressful Than Staying Home!

Sprinkles of Blessings:
  1. We watched The Barefood Executive tonight. It's an awesome Disney movie, made in Technicolor, that we used to love watching over 11 years ago!
  2. Found those mini-key-chain pens at Staples that my brother loves. Bought them for him as a celebration of the end-of-the-school-year.
  3. Grocery Outlet had So Delicious Chocolate Fudge Bars, yum for supper!
I have very little time left to get ready for my summer vacation and life is just getting too busy. Why is vacation so stressful? That night I have to stay in MSP, I'm getting more and more excited about that down-time. I've booked a lovely hotel and plan to check in, watch TV, sleep on the queen-sized bed, enjoy the free continental breakfast, and then watch more TV until my flight departs to Amsterdam. I need that time to just de-stress and try to forget all the junk that's invading my life right now.

Watching George Lopez right now, it's one of my favourite shows!

1 comment:

  1. I like him too. :)

    You are so independent and brave. I am happy to be your friend.


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