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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Woman Without A Country

It's 10:30 pm and I'm searching my cupboards for something to eat. The only problem is that I don't have anything fattening (ie. cheddar cheese or vegenaise, preferably both on a slice of white bread) and I don't want to eat anything sweet because if I can wait till next Monday to eat sweets, then I can buy my favourite DVD as a reward for going 1 month without sweets except on Sabbaths. And boy was that month long! It felt like about 12 months! So I have to content myself with munching on outdated snacks and boring garlic pretzels instead.

Yesterday I worked 12 hours to get ready for registration. Today the morning flew by in a blur as we registered about 25 new students in preparation for a new year to start. I'm super exhausted and am so grateful that this weekend we don't have to do anything extracurricular and that I have no major plans.

Today was a good day. Haven't had many of those lately. Most of them have been "Dear God, please help me get through the next hour" days. Being the strangely melancholy choleric that I am, I find it difficult to walk in a land of shadows, uncertainties, for such a long period of time. I feel like I've been living in limbo for over five years (make that twelve).

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