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Friday, January 22, 2010

Sometimes Snow Does Not Cover

"I think I know what it means to be a good person; I don't think I know what it means to be a good Christian."

A challenging week behind me, I am grateful for a day or two to catch my breath before plunging headlong into the next. Sometimes I wonder what I'm waiting for, as the hours, the days, the weeks, the months, and now the years are trudging along. Will I one day find myself sitting on bed, 30 years from now, blogging about my long week and wondering where the time went and what I really accomplished with it? Being a type-A personality can be a blessing and a curse at times. While I am able to get things done, somehow when it comes to personal achievements, I feel like I must either get everything done right the first time or not try at all, or I must meet and exceed both personal goals and the goals of everyone else around me. Unrealistic, I know, and yet it is a very real part of my life.

I've just spent the last hour journalling, so this entry will be short. Suffice to say that this week has brought many questions but not as many answers. I continue my own vendetta against all that is unfair and unjust, unable to let it go. Troubled that the letter of the law, as it relates to skirts, takes priority over principles, as it relates to health. People are fighting to stay alive over in Haiti while we fight to keep the women in skirts over here. It's all quite ridiculous, really, when you think about it. Maybe that is the problem. Maybe no one really thinks about it.

1 comment:

  1. Why do people like to major in the minors? The bigger issues are never rightfully discussed. Why can't there be meaningful seminars available by women about modesty, self worth and biblical womanhood? Why is it just rules?


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