Check out my other blog: Arugula Addict! I'll be writing about my journey to becoming a healthier person.

Friday, January 15, 2010

To The Least of These. . .

My heart continues to ache for those who are hurting right now, and I understand those who get emotional and want to hop on the next plane and rush over to Haiti right now and start helping. Realistically, however, that isn't possible. So, like the many who can help out monetarily, I've donated to ADRA, a humanitarian organization that I know is already on the ground assessing the situation. They are trained to respond to situations like these, so I am confident that the money I've sent will stretch further and help more than if I tried to figure it out on my own.

I saw a clip online, people without water for 3 days, others with no medical care. Basic needs not being met and they are crying out for help. Like so many, I sit, feeling helpless, and wish I could send some of my overabundance to help others. It's encouraging to see so many people becoming proactive, donating, linking, praying. We might not be able to be right there, comforting and helping those in pain, but we can do the small part that we are able to empower others to be our hands, to be God's Hands.

If you are reading this and are able, head over to Money Saving Mom and leave a link or comment on some or all of the bloggers who are committed to donating.

Continuing to pray for the people of Haiti. . .


  1. Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Every little bit we do will help!


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