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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I may have mentioned this before, but one of my strongest desires in life is to understand Who God is and how He views me. There are many ways I catch glimpses of Him and when I do, it just amazes me. It may be through a song, a friend's encouraging words, the beauty of huge snowflakes thickly falling, or someone's kind actions, but every time God speaks, I lean in close to listen.

This morning I caught another glimpse and then I thought, isn't that just how God is? Eagerly waiting, like a little child on the edge of their seat who can hardly sit still, waiting for us to realize He is right there? Isn't He exploding with love for us, excited to show us how much He cares? I'm learning that God is overflowing with blessings and good things for us, not because we deserve it, but because He wants to give us joy. I'm learning that God is a steady Rock in the difficult times, and while He may not keep us from tears, He will hold us through the grief. I'm learning that God is an amazing listener and when we are silent, He speaks comfort, peace and hope to our hearts. I'm learning that God is only good because He is love.

"How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" ~Psalm 139:17

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