Check out my other blog: Arugula Addict! I'll be writing about my journey to becoming a healthier person.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Bucket List (or maybe a Tub List, so many things on it!)

Hmmm, so I'm not exactly sure why it's called a Bucket List, except that LaVonne called her's a Bucket List, so here goes:

1. Lose 30 pounds. Minimum. (still hoping I can lose it by positive thinking, but slowly realizing I need to add some vegetables, subtract desserts, and exercise on a regular basis!)
2. Write a book. At least one. Okay, the reason why I'm still thinking about this one is because I have about 10 different ideas for books, none of which I can seem to get into a 20-chapter outline! I want to do an autobiography, one on emotional abuse, an easy-reading humorous book (like Patsy Clairmont and Barbara Johnson), one on spiritual abuse or conservative systems, a collection of writings and poetry, a simple-ingredients cookbook for busy women, and maybe a novel.
3. Be involved with some type of ministry for at least a year, like an orphanage or a homeless shelter or a women's shelter.
4. Keep my place tidy for more than a week!
5. Visit the Seychelles, Switzerland, Austria, and New York. In no particular order.
6. Become a certified Marriage & Family Therapist.
7. Earn my PhD in Psychology, Higher Education, or English.
8. Work at a mainstream SDA college (as an assistant registrar or registrar or executive assistant).
9. Be published in Adventist World.
10. Get my green card.

Oh, now I know why it's called the Bucket List! And I think I even saw the movie, it was pretty good!!! All I can think of are 10 things. Maybe I'll have more inspiration tomorrow, or maybe, I really don't want to do that many things. I'm working at my dream job, I have a car, my own place, and no debt, family and friends, what more could I want?

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